Jason Dixon
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Setup
3. Blanking CD-RW's
4. Create ISO
5. Writing your Image
6. Support
8. Screenshots
This script was written as an alternative means of using my Memorex CRW-1622 CD Re-Writer with the Linux (and *BSD) Operating System. Similar to many other "easy" to use GUI burner software apps, uses cdrecord and mkisofs to handle cd burning, cdrw blanking, and ISO creation. It also uses readcd (packaged with cdrecord) to create ISO's directly from a CDrom block device.
This document is meant to serve as a rudimentary introduction and explanation of all the features found in There is also a README file that contains more up-to-date information about with respect to version number, updates, bugs, etc. If you have any information that you feel should be added (or excluded) to this document or the README, please contact me via email.
This document is not meant to assist in actually getting scsi-emulation built into your system. That information is outside the scope of this document; however, you may refer to my other paper, "Jason's Simple CD-R/W Howto" for this information.
a. Install Wizard
If the script is unable to find any existing settings, the Install Wizard will intervene, allowing the user to setup all of the settings listed below before continuing with the main program.
b. View Settings
This menu option shows all current saved settings. There are no "default" settings for this script... all settings must be configured by the person running the script. Fortunately, much of the hard work (device scanning) is done for you in the Setup CD-rom and Setup CD-R/W sections.
This section allows you to choose which device you wish to use as the CD-rom device. Remember, just because you have a CD-rom and CD-R/W device (if you do indeed have both), doesn't mean Linux knows which one you want to use for which.
Similar to the Setup CD-rom section, this option allows you to choose which device you want to designate as your CD-R/W writer.
e. Choose CD-R/W speed
This menu option lets you set the write speed at which your CD-R/W will write to the media. It is not recommended to choose a speed higher than which your writer will allow; conversely, I don't think it will make much of a difference either... your writer can only go as fast as it was designed. ;-) However, you may choose to write slower than your maximum write speed in order to guarantee a higher level of burn success.
f. Setup "read" directory
This directory is where the script will look for files for either of two different tasks: creating an ISO from a directory, or writing an ISO to CD-R/W (where it looks for the ISO image). If you do choose to create an ISO from files in this directory, keep in mind that the script looks recursively for ANY files found within.
PLEASE remember this when you decide to set "/" as your read directory, and can't figure out why it's taking so long to read/write the directory. ;-)
You do not, however, need to worry about deleting all other files in the read directory when writing an ISO to CD-R/W. The script only looks for files that end in "iso" or "ISO", so all other files will be ignored.
g. Setup "write" directory
Similar to the Setup "read" directory menu option, this section also configures a directory for use by the script. However, unlike the "read" directory, this option configures the "write" directory which is used to write an ISO image to during ISO creation.
This choice allows you to blank CD-RW media using either the "fast" (TOC blank only, much faster) or "all" (blanks entire CD-RW) option.
a. ISO from CDrom
This menu option lets you create an ISO image from any CD.
b. ISO from directory
This option allows you to create an ISO image from the contents (recursively) of the "read" directory.
c. ISO from selected files
This choice allows you to create an ISO image by selecting individual files from
the "read" directory. You can also interactively change the "read" directory in
order to quickly assimilate a list of files for burning. Commands to use are:
(L)ist, (C)hange directory, (Q)uit adding files, or any number from the
available list.
a. Direct CD-to-CD copies
Simply choose from a list of available CDrom devices, and this option will rip
an ISO from the CDrom, copy it to a temporary file, burn the ISO to CD-R/W, and
delete the temporary file.
b. Burn ISO to CD
This one speaks for itself. Simply put, this option burns an ISO image to your CD-R/W media.
c. Burn directory to CD
Similar to the ISO creation (4b.), this choice will create an ISO from the
directory of your choice, then burn the ISO to CD. Like "Burn ISO to CD", it
also deletes the temp file upon completion.
d. Burn selected files to CD
Same thing as "ISO from selected files" (4c.), but will also burn the ISO to CD
and delete the temp ISO afterwards.
If you are having problems getting your CD-R/W supported ("cdrecord -scanbus" doesn't show anything), please refer to either the CD burning HOWTO (found at or my own HOWTO at
In addition to this help document, there is also a README file that will continue to be updated with all version releases.
Please forward all bug reports, feature requests, and the like to me via email.
This tarball contains the most recent copy of the script, along with the
README, TODO list, and help.html file. You can also find out more about this
script and its project, along with an archive of all current and older file
versions, at its
SourceForge site.
To unpack this file:
tar zxvf cdrx-xxx.tar.gz